“By all means, Feel sorry for yourself. By all means make excuses. By all means feel discouraged. By all means don’t play like this game is the most important thing to you. By all means entertain yourself with other shit because the game of baseball will be here forever and you will have infinite opportunities to play this game. You will have infinite opportunities to put on your gear, feel the glove, the ball, etc. The game of baseball will wait for you. Life will wait for you.
It’s not as life can be taken away from you at any moment. Nooo that would be crazy, that would be cruel. Right? So, by all means, play the game as if you will have all the swings you can dream of and when the day comes when you realize baseball, that life doesn’t work that way, you will understand that the best way to play is by ANY MEANS necessary. By any means. No excuses. No waiting. Fuck patience. Fuck injuries and fuck THEM. PLAY as if every at bat may be ur last because it very fucking well could be. So let’s make every single fucking one count. Lets go get these fuckers!”
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